If you are still wondering why the C-section rate is so high
Here's an eye opening review from the Illinois Medical Malpractice Blog. This website exists to inform lawyers about recent cases. Let's review the malpractice judgments in obstetric cases in the last year.$8 million settlement in birth injury medical malpractice lawsuit - failure to perform a C-section; the doctor "insisted upon delivering the baby 'naturally.' "
Midwest jury awards $15 million in birth injury medical malpractice lawsuit - failure to perform a timely C-section
Florida jury awards $30 million in medical malpractice lawsuit - failure to diagnose fetal distress
Baltimore ordered a city jury to pay $8.1 million for medical malpractice - traumatic birth injury
Chicago family awarded $14 million in birth injury lawsuit - failure to diagnose fetal distress
$9 million settlement in Chicago birth injury lawsuit - failure to perform a timely C-section
Jury awards medical malpractice birth injuries victim $13.5 million - traumatic birth injury
$1.03 million birth injury jury verdict for 10-year old girl disabled by negligent delivery - traumatic birth injury
$12 million awarded to medical malpractice birth injury victim - failure to perform a timely C-section
Boston family receives $26 million in medical malpractice lawsuit - failure to perform a timely C-section
Maine jury awards $8 million verdict in botched delivery - Midwife sued for failure to request a timely C-section.
So in the last year, there have been at least 11 major awards, totaling more than $142 million dollars. All 11 cases alleged that a C-section should have been performed or should have been performed sooner.

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