Monday, June 26, 2006

NICE analyzes the homebirth studies

Let's look at what NICE found when they analyzed specific studies. I have quoted the relevant passages in the first comment of the thread, and I will summarize the analysis here:

The Janssen study showed substantially higher neonatal mortality in the homebirth group.

The Bastian study showed substantially higher neonatal mortality in the homebirth group.

The National Birthday Trust compared a low risk homebirth group to a high risk hospital group.

The Farm study is merely a case series. The author should not have chosen a high risk hospital group for comparison and therefore, the study cannot even be regarded as a comparison study.

The Johnson and Davis study shows a high level of neonatal deaths.

Here's my question:

Many homebirth advocates have claimed that they choose homebirth because it is safe for the baby. There has never been any scientific evidence to back this claim, but now there is independent corroboration that the existing evidence shows that homebirth is dangerous for babies.

Will homebirth advocates change their stance regarding homebirth, or is the babies' safety is less important than the mother's experience?


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